In this slice , the lesion extends from near the occipital pole to the sylvian fissure , conforming to the territory of the posterior branch of the middle cerebral artery 在这一层,损害区从靠近枕骨粗隆延伸至至大脑外侧裂,与大脑中动脉后支支配的范围相吻合。
Brain computed tomography revealed a huge chronic subdural hematoma over the left frontoparietal lobe , with an incidental finding of an arachnoid cyst over the left sylvian fissure 我们给病人做的脑部电脑断层扫描却发现其左额顶叶有一巨大的慢性硬脑膜下血肿,且意外的发现在同一侧的希氏裂出现一个蜘蛛膜囊肿。